We had a great day, no rain, not too hot and not too cold. We had great crowd participation and 22 pullers from 5 states. Here are the results.
3lb Pro-Stock Weight Pulled: 50 #
1 Jim Adams 17.975
2 Eric Rasmussen 16.51
3 Brad Heinrich 15.92
4 Rob Heinrich 15.8
5 Gretchen Corey 15.58
5lb Pro-Stock Weight Pulled: 115 #
1 Eric Rasmussen FP
2 Gary Jobe 18.47
3 Frank Andrew 17.66
4 Brad Romer 17.66
5 Duane Newman 17.655
2 WD Weight Pulled: 265 #
1 Jim Adams 18.625
2 Terry Corey 18.15
3 Todd Coulter 17.785
4 Mike Corey 17.07
5 Kevin Keech 16.8
5lb Super Stock Weight Pulled: 195 #
1 Brad Heinrich FP/17.69
2 Terry Corey FP/15.335
3 Brad Romer 18.665
4 Mike Corey 18.535
5 Brad Romer 17.98
4 x 4 Weight Pulled: 205 # Pull Off Weight: 265 #
1 Gretchen Corey 17.94
2 Brad Romer 17.605
3 Brad Romer 17.435
4 Brad Heinrich 17.245
5 Eric Rasmussen 16.82
Unlimited Weight Pulled: 400 # Pull Off Weight: 500 #
1 Brad Heinrich FP/18.365
2 Eric Rasmussen FP/17.98
3 Jim Adams FP/17.725
4 Terry Corey 18.9
5 Mike Corey 18.6
Semi Weight Pulled: 500 #
1 Brad Romer FP
2 Frank Andrew 17.335
3 Rob Heinrich 17.01
4 Todd Coulter 15.175
5 Mike Corey 14.765
Congrats to the winners and thanks for posting!!