Great day to travel to Lebanon, IN to find out who the best pullers are for 2023. There were 19 Pullers from MO, MN, IA, IN, OH, KS, WI, and NE. Below are the results and we will see if they can maintain the title during the Anuual Meeting Pull on March 23, 2024, same venue.
3lb Pro-Stock Weight Pulled: 65 #
1 Gretchen Corey 137.938
2 Jim Adams 135.188
3 Steve Greil 135.063
4 Eric Rasmussen 131.625
5 Bill Vote 130.5
5lb Pro-Stock Weight Pulled: 129 #
1 Jim Adams 146.563
2 Brad Romer 140.5
3 Gretchen Corey 140.438
4 Dave Jodrey 140.313
5 Duane Newman 129.563
2 WD Weight Pulled: 200 # Pull Off Weight: 240 #
1 Steve Greil FP/141.063
2 Jim Adams FP/131.625
3 Terry Corey FP/128.375
4 Warren McCann FP/104.25
5 Dave Jodrey 145.188
5lb Super Stock Weight Pulled: 260 #
1 Frank Andrew FP
2 Steve Greil 144.5
3 Ed Wirth 142.313
4 Dave Jodrey 139.188
5 Duane Newman 132.875
4 x 4 Weight Pulled: 200 # Pull Off Weight: 285 #
1 Frank Andrew FP/FP/153.188
2 Mike Corey FP/FP/150.438
3 Bill Vote FP/153.438
4 Eric Rasmussen FP/147.938
5 Dave Jodrey 161.563
Unlimited Weight Pulled: 464 #
1 Terry Corey FP
2 Jim Adams 162.5
3 Mike Corey 160.438
4 Dave Jodrey 146.938
5 Jay Lerbs 139.313
Semi Weight Pulled: 430 #
1 Dave Jodrey FP
2 Brad Romer 141.313
3 Steve Greil 139.063
4 Frank Andrew 131.75
5 Duane Newman 125.875
Congratulations to the winners and to Jim for streaming the show tonight. Glad I got to see everyone!! Hopefully I’ll get to watch more tomorrow!!