The day started out with some rain and ended with a successful sunny pull in Albert Lea. Thank you to Jay Lerbs and Brad Romer for hosting the event. Thank you and to Joyce and Madison for running the tech table. The results:
3 # Pro-Stock
1 Roger Hibdon
2 Rob Heinrich
3 Bill Vote
4 Jim Adams
5 Zach Romer
1 Jim Adams
2 Jim Adams
3 Mark Danielson
4 Todd Coulter
5 Jay Lerbs
5# Super Stock
1 Jim Adams
2 Rob Heinrich
3 Todd Coulter
4 Todd Coulter
5 Bill Vote
1 Roger Hibdon
2 Brad Romer
3 Frank Andrew
4 Brad Romer
5 Jay Lerbs
1 Jim Adams
2 Bill Vote
3 Mark Danielson
4 Rob Heinrich
5 Jim Adams
1 Brad Romer
2 Jim Adams
3 Brad Romer
4 Jay Lerbs
5 Roger Hibdon
5# Pro-stock
1 Jay Lerbs
2 Rob Heinrich
3 Jim Adams
4 Zach Romer
5 Jay Lerbs
Good day of fun and pulling. Thanks Brad-Jay-Joyce and Madison.